Youtube hotel marketing has never been easier

The Truth About Youtube Marketing for Hotels

wyndham hotels

Over 70% of hotel revenue comes from a hotel digital marketing source online and for hotels Youtube marketing is the number two hotel marketing platform when it comes search engines. With Google being number one. So why do most of your hotel digital marketing agency's recommend Facebook which is the number three hotel digital marketing source over Youtube Advertising or should I say hotel Youtube advertising. It's simple, Facebook is easier and usually has higher profit margins for the hotel digital marketing agency that is trying to close a sale. 

Get the skills You Need to Master Youtube Hotel Marketing

Why Use youtube hotel marketing

1. To get more hotel direct bookings and more touches to close the sale. 

2. Get Hotel Advertisement that's free, yes that is how "Youtube Market Hotels". 

3. All you have to do to start, is push the video record button on your cellphone, upload it to Youtube, and Youtube does the rest. 

Hotel Guest Are 

Searching for You on Youtube 

Youtube hotel search

Add Youtube To Your Hotel Marketing Plan

Why is Expedia One of the Top OTA's on Youtube

Expedia Marketing Budget

With over 514 million video views and over 984 thousand subscribers. Expedia has more subscribers and video views than the top 10 hotel franchises combined. With total revenues hitting over 12 billion in 2019. Most of their 11 billion dollar marketing budget went to Google/Youtube (Youtube is owned by Google). 

Why would this billion dollar company spend so much money on Youtube. 

"Because it Works"

Lower your OTA commissions with a cellphone video and get more direct bookings for your hotel. Learn these easy and simple steps to get more direct bookings in our free webinar. 

"You Have Two Choices". We do everything for you or we teach you how to do it yourself with our "Free Webinar"

3 Reasons Why Youtube Hotel Marketing Works 

1. Youtube Promotes Your Hotel Youtube Channel For Free - When you put your hotel marketing video on youtube you'll be taking your hotel marketing strategy to the next level. Youtube Promotes your hotel for you with their Browse Feature, suggested videos and your hotel marketing video can even come up in Google Search! 
2. Guest are searching for your hotel Youtube videos and your hotels Youtube Channel on Youtube - Here's some hotel marketing ideas. How about putting your hotel marketing video on a platform that your guest not only want to see your "youtube hotel videos", but they are searching for your hotel marketing videos
         3. Guest Don't Trust Listing Photo's - Most guest have been fooled too many times by hotel listing pictures and want to see the real thing with video content.

Will Hotels Lose Reservations 
Without A Hotel Youtube Channel

If a hotel video has receive 30 views in one week from YouTube. Let's say only 20 viewers booked your hotel with an average rate of 150.00.  20 x 150.00 = 3,000 a week. Does any hotel have 3,000 dollars a week to throw away just because they didn't want to post videos. 

Start Your free webinar now to learn what you need to know about "Youtube For Hotels"